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311 Service Request
Use our 311 tool powered by See Click Fix to report quality of life issues and service requests online.
Ambulance Bill Online Payments
Make a payment for ambulance services online.
Barron Center
The City of Portland operates the Barron Center to provide skilled nursing and rehabilitation services to individuals in need. The Barron Center is a mission driven facility with over 200 years of history in our community.
Boat Registration
New boat registrations can be completed by appointment only.
Building Permits
Access building permits for the City of Portland.
Business Licenses
The City Business License Administrator provides applications and coordinates all interdepartmental approvals pursuant to licensing ordinances.
Elder Services
It is the mission of Portland Elder Services is to creatively and collaboratively address issues that present hardships for Portland residents as they age.
Health Care Services
View more information about the health care services and resources offered in the City of Portland.
Hire a Detail Police Officer
Learn how to hire a detail police officer for a special event, traffic control, or construction project.
Historic Preservation Applications
Learn how to apply for historic preservation applications.
My Portal
Housing Programs
Learn about the Housing and Community Development Division of the Housing and Economic Development Department.
Check out information on paying parking tickets, parking bans, city garages and lots, transportation options, and maps of the city.
Personal Property Tax Bills
Now you can pay your property taxes from the comfort of your home or office by using our online payment service.
Property Search
The Assessor's Office also keeps track of ownership changes, maintains maps of parcel boundaries, keeps descriptions of buildings and property characteristics up to date, keeps track of individuals and properties eligible for exemptions and other forms of property tax relief and analyzes trends in sales prices, construction costs, and rents to estimate the value of all assessable property.
Public Health
The Portland Public Health Division improves the health of all people in the community by working together to prevent disease, promote health, and protect residents from environmental threats.
Public Works
The Department of Public Works helps keep the City of Portland moving each day with many areas of responsibility. We collect your garbage and recycling, clear your streets of ice and snow in the winter, help maintain the city's sewer system, build your sidewalks, manage the city's traffic lights and street signage, and the list goes on.
Real Estate Tax Bills
Make real estate tax bill payments online.
Recreation Programs
Look through the Recreation Program catalog and register for programs online.
Rental Housing Resources
Access rental housing resources for those living in the City of Portland, Maine.
Rental Housing Registration
All property owners are required to annually register residential rental units with the City's Licensing and Registration Office by December 31st or within thirty days of renting a property.
Site Plan Applications
Learn how to submit a site plan application through our Citizen Self Service portal.
Social Services
The Social Services Division strives to provide quality programs to low-income Portland residents that encourage dignity, self-respect, and self-reliance in the transition from public assistance to self-sufficiency.
Stay Connected
The City of Portland utilizes CivicReady for its mass notifications system to send emergency alerts as well as routine city news.
Stormwater Online Payments
Make a payment online for your stormwater utility.
Trash & Recycling
The City of Portland has a “Pay-As-You-Throw” trash collection system.
Vehicle Registration
Auto registrations are done at the Treasury Office and are by appointment only.
Voter Registration
Discover information regarding registering to vote and upcoming elections.